Problems with git/github

I've had some problems with git or maybe GitHub. I'll initialize my game folder as a repo with the command 'git init'. Then I'll add everything with
    git add .
Then I'll commit it with
    git commit -m "First commit."
Then I will do
    git remote add origin Then I did
    git push origin master
and typed in my username and password to GitHub. Then I went over to the page on GitHub,, and saw that .git was missing from the online repo. I thought that maybe it was just hidden, but then later I cloned it to a zip file and downloaded it onto my computer, extracted it, and .git was gone! I have made sure that hidden files are view-able, so no it is not hidden. My problem is that now every time i want to stage, commit, and push my game to the online repo, I have to reinitialize it, and in the online repo, .git doesn't exist which I bet may cause some problems later on.
